Tuesday, February 13, 2018

RBA: BROWN THRASHER in Elko - Jan 2-March 19th

On Jan 2-2018, Brad Eckersley first saw a Brown Thrasher visiting his property on Yarrow Rd. The bird was present for a month and a half but was not identified. On Feb 11-2018, Bob Livsey found the bird at Brad's feeder and identified it as a Brown Thrasher. It was only present at the feeder for about 6 seconds. It was seen again briefly on Feb 12th at the same location and was singing. Appearances have been too brief for any photo opportunities.

The bird can now be viewed from the public location of  Main St and Yarrow Ave. 

This is the 40th record for the province of BC.

This is the second Brown Thrasher in the province at the same time. The other bird is in Cranbrook and details can be found HERE.

The bird has not been seen since March 19th, 2018.