Sunday, April 18, 2021

RBA: LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE in Osoyoos - April 18th

At 8:10am on April 18-2021, Paul Prappas and Carolee Colter found a Loggerhead Shrike perched on a fencepost along Nighthawk Rd right before the border crossing in Osoyoos. The bird flew east after they were able to grab a quick photo.

Map to location of bird HERE

*The bird was not relocated on April 19th.*

*This is the 101st record for BC and due to this fact will no longer be reported on the main page.*

*As per current Public Health directives due to COVID-19 - Please remain 2 metres apart when viewing this bird. Please follow all public health directives (including not birding in groups) during this pandemic. The BC Public Health directives can be found HERE*

***There is a public health order now in effect restricting non-essential travel from your local health region to anywhere in the province or elsewhere in Canada. It also requires you to limit those you gather with to 10 people. You can read it HERE***

**eBird's statement on how to bird mindfully during the pandemic can be viewed HERE**

**Please wear a mask when viewing rare birds when social distancing is not possible or hard to maintain**

Loggerhead Shrike in Osoyoos - Photo: Paul Prappas 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

RBA: LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE in Kelowna - (March 29?)-April 13th

At 5:50pm on April 13-2021, Kalin Ocaña found a Loggerhead Shrike perched in the fields NW of Munson Pond in Kelowna.

Map to location of where bird was seen HERE and HERE

The bird was viewed by multiple observers right up until dark on April 13th.

*The bird was not relocated on April 14th, despite multiple observers looking.*

*A Loggerhead Shrike was first photographed at this location on March 29th by Bruce Kennedy but was misidentified at the time as a Northern Shrike. It could possibly be the same bird but is most likely a different one.*

This is the 100th record for BC.

*As per current Public Health directives due to COVID-19 - Please remain 2 metres apart when viewing this bird. Please follow all public health directives (including not birding in groups) during this pandemic. The BC Public Health directives can be found HERE*

***There is a public health order now in effect restricting non-essential travel from your local health region to anywhere in the province or elsewhere in Canada. It also requires you to limit those you gather with to 10 people. You can read it HERE***

**eBird's statement on how to bird mindfully during the pandemic can be viewed HERE**

**Please wear a mask when viewing rare birds when social distancing is not possible or hard to maintain**

Loggerhead Shrike in Kelowna - Photos: Kalin Ocaña