Thursday, May 21, 2015

RBA: BROWN THRASHER in Kootenay National Park, May 21

A Brown Thrasher was observed and photographed in the Kootenay River Day Use Area at Kootenay National Park north of Radium at 8 AM on May 21 (Frank Chappell, et al) and was not seen since.

This is the 37th record for the province of BC.

Brown Thrasher. Kootenay National Park. May 21 (Frank Chappell).

1 comment:

  1. This sighting was actually made by Frank Chappell. He observed the bird at one of viewing locations used during an event for the "Wings Over the Rockies" birding/nature festival. It's held annually in the Invermere/East Kootenay area during the first full week of May (19th year in 215). I was the tour leader for the event and Frank was a participant. He contacted me with the observation as an FYI. Brian Wesley.
