Sunday, October 29, 2023

RBA: BROWN BOOBY in Haida Gwaii - Oct 26th and BC’s 1st record of MASKED BOOBY!

At 5pm on Oct 26-2023, William Woodbury photographed a Brown Booby that landed on and rode his fishing vessel “The Hannio Lio.”The Booby was trying to escape gulls that had been harassing it at sea. The bird was first seen 4 miles west of Tian Head and took off from the vessel shortly after.

Map to location HERE

Brown Booby in Haida Gwaii - Photo: William Woodbury

This is the 21st record of Brown Booby for BC.

Additionally, an astounding record of an adult Masked Booby from Sept 21, 2021, from the same observer on the same vessel, also came to light. This historical record took place 5-10 nautical miles offshore between Frederick and Langara Islands.

Approximate location of bird HERE

This late report constitutes the 1st confirmed record of Masked Booby in BC.

Adult Masked Booby in waters off Haida Gwaii - Photo: William Woodbury

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