At 10:37 am on July 15-2018, a male Lesser Goldfinch was found by David M. Bell on Kruger Mtn Road. The bird was loosely associating with a flock of Pine Siskins near 19610 Kruger Mtn Road.
Map to location of first bird
At 12:30pm he found 2 males and 1 female and was was able to photograph the birds. The 2 males were flying around the female. The female was frequenting a rosebush across from 19610 Kruger Mtn Rd.
A 4th bird was found and photographed by Daniel Bastaja and it was juvenile male. This does not prove local breeding as they are molt migrants.
Both age groups leave breeding territories shortly after the young fledge and can travel thousands of kilometres.
Map to location of the four birds
Directions: At the end of the pavement there's a turnaround where it
turns to gravel. Park there and the birds are 20m back down the road. They are moving around the yards and roadside there.
On Dec 12-2018, Chris Charlesworth found 15 Lesser Goldfinches in the same area. There is a high probability as first suspected that these birds bred in BC which would be the first record of breeding in BC. Unfortunately this was never confirmed.
15 birds continue at the corner of Alkali Rd and Old Richter Pass Rd
as of January 14th, 2019.
On Feb 6th-2019, 10 birds were seen at 15523 Old Richter Pass Rd in Osoyoos.
***On July 5th-2019 David Bell photographed an adult female feeding a barely fledged bird that cannot fly. This finally confirms breeding at this site and the first breeding record for the province.***
Lesser Goldfinch fledgling with adult in Osoyoos - Photos: David Bell |
***The birds continue along Kruger Mtn Rd as of Sept 24th.***
This is the 24th record for the province of BC.
Male Lesser Goldfinch in Osoyoos - Photo: David M. Bell |
Adult Female Lesser Goldfinch in Osoyoos - Photo: David M. Bell |
Juvenile Male Lesser Goldfinch in Osoyoos - Photo: Daniel Bastaja |