Monday, June 24, 2019

RBA: LESSER GOLDFINCH in Kelowna - June 24th

At 3:30pm on June 24-2019, Chris Charlesworth found a male Lesser Goldfinch singing at Rose Valley Regional Park. The bird was along Mcdougal Road, which is a trail at the end of Rosewood Rd. He was 200 meters along the trail from the end of Rosewood Rd. in West Kelowna.

Map to location of bird HERE

This is the 27th record for the province of BC

Sunday, June 16, 2019

RBA: SEDGE WREN near Fort St. John - June 16-19th

At 11pm on June 16-2019, Ilya Povalyaev found a singing Sedge Wren near Watson Slough. Watson Slough is about 30 minutes from Fort St. John on Highway 29 towards Hudson's Hope. The bird is singing from the north side of Watson Rd right at the intersection with Hwy 29. It is behind a fence on private land so viewing the bird could be difficult. Please do not trespass.

A recording of the Sedge Wren can be found HERE

Exact map to location of Sedge Wren HERE

On June 19-2019, Ilya returned to the same location and the bird was still singing in the same spot. Multiple observers saw the bird on June 19th as well.

This is the 5th record for the province of BC.

Friday, June 14, 2019

RBA: LESSER GOLDFINCH in Agassiz - June 14-July 30th

On June 14th-2019, Kevin Jones photographed a male Lesser Goldfinch at a sock feeder at his private home in Agassiz. He believes the bird has been present for a week but was only able to photograph the bird today.  There are still Lesser Goldfinches present in Osoyoos as well; who may possibly be breeding there.
Male Lesser Goldfinch in Agassiz - Photo: Kevin Jones

The bird continues at the same location on July 31st.

This is the 26th record for the province of BC.

RBA: LARK BUNTING in Sparwood - June 14th

At 6:15 am on June 14-2019, Connor Charchuk found a male Lark Bunting while doing a point count. The bird was singing and he had good views of it but did not have his camera. The observer is extremely experienced with this species. He will return tomorrow to try and obtain a photo or recording.

Exact location of the bird HERE.

This area is not publicly accessible as it is an active mine.

This is the 39th record for BC.

Thursday, June 13, 2019


At 9:30 am on June 13-2019, John Hodges found an Ash-throated Flycatcher at Wilson Creek Estuary. The bird was in the most easterly man-made pond. John viewed it until 11 am when he and his fellow birder Jim McFarland left.The bird was very active moving around constantly when they left there. This is the second Ash-throated Flycatcher found today in BC. The first being in North Vancouver.

Map to where bird was seen HERE

The bird was not relocated on June 14th.

Ash-throated Flycatcher in Sechelt - Photo: John Hodges

RBA: ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER in North Vancouver - June 13-14th

At 6 am on June. 13-2019, Guy Monty and David Baird found an Ash-throated Flycatcher while inside the helipad area near Cleveland Dam.

This area is not accessible to the public but the bird should be viewable by looking through the fence from the NE corner of Cleveland Dam into the water treatment facility. The bird was perched in alders behind the building with green shipping containers.

Area to stand to view the bird is HERE

The bird was seen by one other observer in the same location at 11:30am on June 13th. 

**On June 14th, the Ash-throated Flycatcher showed up in a private yard from 8 am until 3:30 pm in North Vancouver. The bird was also photographed but the home is currently not open to the public.**

Ash-throated Flycatcher in North Vancouver - Photos: David Baird

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

RBA: CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER in Revelstoke - June 5th

At 1:05 pm on June 5-2019, Dusty Veideman found a male Chestnut-sided Warbler at his home. It was taking a bath in his bird bath at the time. The bird also returned to the bird bath at 5 pm.

If the bird returns tomorrow, the home will be open to the public for viewing. I will post details on where to go if this occurs.

**The bird never returned on June 6th.**

This is the 72nd record for the province of BC.

Male Chestnut-sided Warbler in Revelstoke - Photo: Dusty Veideman