Monday, March 23, 2020

RBA: TUFTED DUCK in Burnaby - March 23-April 15th

At 10 am on March 23-2020, Teresa Gagné found an adult male Tufted Duck at Piper Spit at Burnaby Lake

The bird was last seen on April 15th near the boardwalk and has been viewed by multiple observers. It has not been seen since, despite multiple observers looking.

Map to location HERE

*As per current Public Health directives due to COVID-19 - Please remain 2 metres apart when viewing this bird. Please follow all public health directives (including not birding in groups) during this pandemic. The BC Public Health directives can be found HERE*

**eBird's statement on how to bird mindfully during the pandemic can be viewed HERE.**

Male Tufted Duck in Burnaby - Photo: Melissa Hafting
Male Tufted Duck in Burnaby - Photo: Denis Laplante

Saturday, March 7, 2020

RBA: SLATY-BACKED GULL in Royston - March 7th

At 11:15am on March 7-2019, Liam Singh found and photographed an adult Slaty-backed Gull at the end of Amber Way near Spindrift Rd in Royston (near Courtenay). The bird was viewed by a few other observers and Liam lost sight of it around 12:20pm. The bird was not relocated despite multiple observers looking.

Map to location HERE

This is the 83rd record for the province of BC.

Adult Slaty-backed Gull in Royston - Photos: Liam Singh