Saturday, May 8, 2021

RBA: WHITE-FACED IBIS in Wasa - May 7-15th

On May 7-2021, Penny Ohanjanian and Virginia Rasch found 14 White-faced Ibis on private property in the area of Cherry Creek Prairie (public are not allowed to visit this site). At 2 pm on May 8-2021, Dianne Cooper and Ruth Goodwin relocated 2 of the White-faced Ibis at Wasa Sloughs. The birds were foraging along the line of driftwood on the east bank of the point. These 2 birds are publicly accessible and are being viewed from the east side of the sloughs that are accessed from Prairie Rd off Hwy 93.

Map to location HERE

This is the 58th record for BC.

On May 9th- 3 birds were found in the location by Bobby Dailey. The birds were last seen in the same location and have been viewed by multiple observers and photos obtained.

*10 birds continue in the same location on May 15th.*

***There is a public health order now in effect until May 25th banning non-essential travel from your local health region to anywhere in the province or elsewhere in Canada. The fine for breaking this order is 575$. You can read it HERE***

*As per current Public Health directives due to COVID-19 - Please remain 2 meters apart when viewing any birds on this list during this time. Please follow all public health directives during this pandemic (including not birding in groups, please wear a mask if you are unable to social distance). The BC Public Health directives can be found HERE*

**Please wear a mask when viewing rare birds when social distancing is not possible or hard to maintain**

**eBird's statement on how to bird mindfully during the pandemic can be viewed HERE.**

White-faced Ibis in Wasa - Photo: Ian Adams

White-faced Ibis in Wasa - Photo: Jo Ellen Floer

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