[Report--July 21] Report on the "Central BC and North Coast" page. Also in the same flock was an adult SHARP-TAILED SANDPIPER and over 300 RUDDY TURNSTONES.
At the West end of Westminster Highway in Richmond in the Community Gardens which is just North of the road at 3:45 P.M. today, Saturday, July 16, I saw a Black Phoebe perched and actively chipping and fly catching. This is quite near the site where one was seen 2 years ago. With extreme drought conditions in Arizona and Texas you wonder if that is not part of the reason for the number of southern birds being seen this year in the lower mainland.
Today Martin Williams found a COMMON CRANE at the Delkatla Estuary near Masset on the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii). Initially it was by itself but then it joined some Sandhill Cranes.
Rick Toochin: "The latest word, as of July 5, from Peter and Margo is the Common Crane and the Sandhill Cranes are gone despite a major search the past 2 days. It came in on bad weather and seems to have left on the bad weather. If I hear any update with good news I will pass it along."