Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands

To report rare birds or sightings of interest in this area and to submit pictures, please email Jeremy Gatten at

Location: Off Dallas Rd here and here in shrubs and here in the grass at Beacon Hill Park; Victoria
Date: December 30/24 (T. Wray) to Feb 20/25 (multiple observers)
Green-tailed Towhee in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey

Location: Duncan Sewage Lagoons; Duncan, here
Date: December 18/24 (JP. Giroux) to Feb 20/25 (multiple observers)
Tufted Duck in Duncan (Photo: JP Giroux)

Glaucous Gull (1)
Location: at Art Mann Park; Duncan, here
Date: February 12 (D. Marven)
Glaucous Gull in Duncan (Photo: Pauliina Saarinen)

Mountain Bluebird (2)
Location: here at Nanaimo River Estuary; Nanaimo 
Date: November 17 (M. Ring) to February 2 (multiple observers)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Little Qualicum Estuary, Qualicum Beach; here
Date: November 1/23 (M. Wynja) to Jan 29/24 (multiple observers)

Bohemian Waxing (1)
Location: Here at Buttertubs Marsh; Nanaimo 
Date: January 5 (M. Ring) to 26 (multiple observers)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Tyee Spit; Campbell River
Date: January 17 (J. Gatten) to 25 (multiple observers)

Gyrfalcon (1) **Do not enter private farm fields**
Location: Here on Bridges Rd; Courtenay
Date: January 6 (J. Jones) to 20 (multiple observers)
Juv Gyrfalcon in Courtenay (Photo: Camille Bock)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Port McNeil Dock
Date: December 28 (D. Lacasse) to January 12 (multiple observers)

Northern Mockingbird (1)
Location: Intersection of Main St and Wharf St; Tofino
Date: January 1 (S. Vanderluit and D. Gillis) to 5 (multiple observers)
Northern Mockingbird in Tofino (Photo: Sean Vanderluit) 

Northern Mockingbird (1)
Location: Alder Park; Ucluelet
Date: January 5 (T. Franco)

Location: at residential feeder at 1150 Victoria Ave and at 2104 Windsor Rd; Victoria
Homeowners of 2104 Windsor Rd said it is ok for birders to view the bird on the right side of their gate but to keep the gate shut to their backyard. Please be respectful of private residences and do not block driveways or point cameras/bins at homes.
Date: December 26 to 29 (fide L. Peterson)
Lesser Goldfinch in Victoria (Photo: Les Peterson)

Whimbrel (1)
Location: on beach here with 2 Rock Sandpipers; Deep Bay
Date: December 15 (V. Lugin) to 28 (multiple observers)

American Redstart (1)
Location: Blundel Point - Lantzville
Date: December 22 (K. DeLisle)

Palm Warbler (1)
Location: Here on Goose Spit; Comox
Date: December 10 (J. Mackenzie and D. Ward)
Palm Warbler in Comox (Photo: James Mackenzie)

Rusty Blackbird (1)
Location: King’s Pond; Victoria 
Date: November 8 (K. Taylor) to December 9 (multiple observers)

Clay-colored Sparrow (1)
Location: Here at Wittys Lagoon; Metchosin
Date: December 7 (G. Newell) to 8 (multiple observers)
Clay-colored Sparrow in Metchosin (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Location: Here in Jordan River
Date: December 5 (J. Wells et al.) to 8 (multiple observers)
Grasshopper Sparrow in Jordan River - (Photo: Jody Wells)

Tropical Kingbird (3)
Location: on telephone wire at the Queesto office building; Jordan River
Date: November 7 (S. Solecki) to December 5 (multiple observers) 
Tropical Kingbird in Jordan River (Photo: Les Peterson)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Eagles Drive Park; Merville
Date: December 3 (K. Kaptein)

Redhead (4)
Location: Morningstar Golf Course pond; Parksville
Date: October 29 (D. Isbister) to December 1 (multiple observers)

Location: Here on the beach at Cape Scott
Date: November 26 (B. Ivany)
Black Phoebe at Cape Scott (Photo: Ben Ivany)

Location: Flying east (50m from shore) past Beachey Head at East Sooke Regional Park; Sooke
Date: November 26 (D. Donnecke et al.)
Adult Little Gull in Sooke (Photo: Daniele Donnecke)

Location: Cameron Rd, Cassidy; seen in yard on Cameron Rd just south of Timberlands Rd
Date: November 26 (T. Hyde)

Red Phalarope (1)
Location: at Somass River Estuary sewage ponds; Port Alberni
Date: November 24 (P. Hall) to 26 (multiple observers)
Red Phalarope in Port Alberni (Photo: Penny Hall)

American Tree Sparrow (1)
Location: near main parking lot at Nanaimo River Estuary; Nanaimo 
Date: November 11 (B. Dudeck) to 25 (multiple observers)

Redhead (1)
Location: Little River Nature Park; Comox
Date: November 25 (P. Lypkie)

Red Phalarope (1)
Location: Here at Nanaimo River Estuary
Date: November 24 (A. Meyerhoff)

Franklin’s Gull (1)
Location: Here at the river mouth; Jordan River 
Date: November 23 (J. Wells and C. Hughes)
Franklins Gull in Jordan River (Photo: Jody Wells)

Palm Warbler (1)
Location: here on Westcan Terminal Rd; Cowichan Bay
Date: November 22 (C. Hughes)

Palm Warbler (1)
Location: Seen in a flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers at Cattle Point and at Uplands Park; Victoria
Date: November 21 (D. Korver)

Location: last seen here at Nanaimo River Estuary, Nanaimo
Date: November 19 (B. Gyles)

Yellow-headed Blackbird (1)
Location: Tyee Spit; Campbell River
Date: November 18 (V. Pederson)

Location: briefly at the private residence at the 1800 block of Frances St; Duncan
Date: November 17 (D. Marven)

Location: Last seen here at Portside Marina/Ferry Ramp off the end of Marchant Rd. Also seen here at Anglers Anchorage Marina. First seen off the end of Stellys Cross Rd here in Brentwood Bay; first seen here
Date: October 27 (R. Ironside) to November 17 (multiple observers)
King Eider in Brentwood Bay (Photo: Mark Byrne)

Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (1)
Location: near main parking lot at Nanaimo River Estuary; Nanaimo 
Date: November 17 (B. Dudeck) 

Location: Last seen here on Beachwood Rd. First seen here on railway tracks off Beachwood Rd; Royston
Date: November 13 (N. St. Hilaire) to 15 (multiple observers)
Ash-throated Flycatcher in Royston (Photo: Camille Bock)

Location: Here at Island View Beach, Central Saanich
Date: August 23 (G. Newell) to November 15 (multiple observers)
Black-capped Chickadee in Central Saanich (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Mountain Bluebird (1)
Location: On fence at 671 Knight Rd near airport; Comox
Date: November 10 (C. Bock) to 15 (multiple observers)

Tropical Kingbird (1)
Location: Imperial Lane at Matterson Drive and also seen at Otter St and Helen Rd; on telephone wires
Date: November 11 (I. Cruickshank) to 14 (multiple observers)

Harris’s Sparrow (1)
Location: In blackberries here near main parking lot at Nanaimo River Estuary; Nanaimo 
Date: November 11 (B. Dudeck) to 14 (multiple observers)

Redhead (2)
Location: SW quadrant of Panama Flats; Victoria
Date: October 28 (G. Newell) to November 14 (multiple observers)

Palm Warbler (1)
Location: here near main parking lot at Nanaimo River Estuary; Nanaimo
Date: November 10 to 14 (M. Wynja)

Palm Warbler (1)
Location: on rafters of the Queesto building; Jordan River
Date: November 7 (L. Ragan) to 14 (multiple observers) 
Palm Warbler in Jordan River (Photo: Les Peterson)

Redhead (2)
Location: Casawood Farm pond; Courtenay; restricted access
Date: October 16 (N. Bock) to November 13 (multiple observers)

Location: off the washrooms by Incinerator Rock at Long Beach; Tofino
Date: November 2 (S. Tyne) to 9 (multiple observers)
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper in Tofino (Photo: Adrian Dorst)

Mountain Bluebird (1)
Location: on fence at the SE end of Tofino Airport; Tofino
Date: October 30 (I. Cruickshank) to November 9 (multiple observers)

Rusty Blackbird (1)
Location: Michell’s Farm in mixed blackbird flock; Saanich
Date: November 6 to 7 (G. Newell)
Rusty Blackbird in Saanich (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Tropical Kingbird (1)
Location: Rhino Coffee House, Tofino; seen recently closer to intersection of Campbell and 4th
Date: October 8 (M. Sawyer) to November 7 (multiple observers)

Mountain Bluebird (1)
Location: Dinsdale Farm dyke; North Cowichan
Date: November 4 (A. Smith) to 6 (multiple observers)

Blue Jay (1)
Location: Quadra Island; contact Jeremy Gatten to arrange access
Date: October 19 (M. Lenahan) to November 4 (multiple observers)

Redhead (2)
Location: Blenkinsop Lake; Victoria
Date: November 4 (M. McGrenere)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: China Creek marina; Port Alberni
Date: November 3 (S. McRuer)

Palm Warbler (1)
Location: Nanaimo River Estuary; Nanaimo 
Date: November 3 (T. Vaxy)

Yellow-billed Loon (2)
Location: off Port Hardy Airport
Date: October 22 to November  2 (E. Brisson-Curadeau)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: in the cove here off north side of Albert Head Lagoon; Metchosin
Date: October 28 (D. Bell) to November 1 (multiple observers)

Brown Pelican (1)
Location: Clover Point; Victoria
Date: November 1 (G. Newell)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Esquimalt Lagoon; Colwood
Date: October 30 (D. Bell) to 31 (multiple observers)

Redhead (1)
Location: Private Property near Martindale Flats; Saanich; restricted access
Date: October 28 to 31 (J. Wells)

American Tree Sparrow (1)
Location: east of the cold shoulder cafe and before the logging pullout and retainer wall; Jordan River
Date: October 29 (J. Bertrands)

Franklin’s Gull (1)
Location: Clover Point; Victoria 
Date: October 26 (G. Newell)
Franklin’s Gull in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Dusky Flycatcher (1)
Location: Jordan River
Date: October 23 (J. Bertrands)

Redhead (2)
Location: Simms Creek Outflow; Campbell River 
Date: October 22 (J. Gatten)

Redhead (1)
Location: Sewage lagoons at Somass Estuary; Port Alberni
Date: October 21 (P. Hall)

Location: at the river mouth just east of the campsite before flying east; Jordan River
Date: October 20 (L. Singh)

RUFF (1)
Location: Tofino Airport; restricted access
Date: October 19 (I. Cruickshank)
Ruff in Tofino (Photo: Adrian Dorst)

Ruddy Turnstone (1)
Location: Hardy Bay; Port Hardy
Date: October 19 (E. Brisson-Curadeau)

Western Bluebirds (9)
Location: Here on Shepherd Hills Rd; Salt Spring Island
Date: October 16 to 18 (P. Davidson)

Location: Shepherd Hills Rd, Salt Spring Island; around here
Date: October 13 to 15 (P. Davidson)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Cattle Point, Oak Bay; flying north
Date: October 14 (G. and D. Newell)

Location: Maple Mountain, Duncan; Pink Trail about 1 km from trailhead off Maple Mountain Rd
Date: October 13 (A. Shepard)

Location: Jordan River; seen approximately here
Date: October 11 (J. Bertrands, L. Singh, and S. McElaney.)
Scarlet Tanager in Jordan River (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Pygmy Nuthatch (1)
Location: Rocky Point Bird Observatory banding station, Metchosin; restricted access
Date: October 11 (D. Bell)

Location: Jordan River; observed here and here
Date: October 10 (J. Bertrands) 
Scarlet Tanager in Jordan River (Photo: Joachim Bertrands) 

Nashville Warbler (1)
Location: Skylark Island, Ucluelet; on beach
Date: October 10 (I. Cruickshank)

Tropical Kingbird (4)
Location: 320 Lone Cone Rd, Tofino; in trees
Date: October 9 (M. Sawyer)

Tropical Kingbird (1)
Location: Alder Park, Ucluelet; on telephone wires
Date: October 9 (J. McCullough)

Location: Galiano Island; private residence
Date: October 6 to 8 (fide B. Diakow)

Western Kingbird (1)
Location: Stubbs Island
Date: October 8 (A. Dorst)

Location: Offshore from Cape Scott; viewed here from research vessel
Date: October 8 (S. Pardo)
Masked Booby off Cape Scott (Photo: Sebastian Pardo)

Western Kingbird (1)
Location: Outer Shores Lodge, Bamfield
Date: October 6 (D. Geller)

Location: Jordan River; waterfront off campsite area
Date: October 5 (J. Bertrands et al.)

Mountain Bluebird (1)
Location: on the famous fence at Blenkinsop Lake; Victoria 
Date: October 3 (M. McGrenere)

Ruddy Turnstone (1)
Location: On Lesser Trial Island viewed from McMicking Point; Victoria 
Date: October 3 (G. Newell)

Location: Amphitrite Point; Ucluelet; open grassy area between the lighthouse and adjacent building
Date: September 28 (A. Forde) to 29 (I. Cruickshank)
Lark Sparrow in Ucluelet - Photo: Ian Cruickshank

Rock Wren (1)
Location: Dionisio Point Provincial Park, Galiano Island; around here
Date: September 29 (S. Vanderluit)
Rock Wren on Galiano Island (Photo: Sean Vanderluit)

Franklin's Gull (1)
Location: Kye Bay, Comox
Date: September 22 (S. Coulson) to 28 (multiple observers)
Franklin's Gull in Comox (Photo: Jeremy Gatten)
Hudsonian Godwit (1)
Location: Westcan Terminal Rd, Cowichan Bay; visible from here off Dinsdale dyke
Date: September 10 (C. Rispin) to 20 (multiple observers)

Location: Whiffin Spit, Sooke; being viewed around here
Date: September 2 (E. Larson) to 22 (multiple observers)
Bar-tailed Godwit in Sooke (Photo: Evan Larson)

Mountain Bluebird (1)
Location: Englishmen River Estuary, Parksville; Plummer Rd side 
Date: September 16 (M. Wynja)
Gray Catbird (1)
Location: Private residence on Uplands Dr; Nanaimo
Date: September 16 (L. Godderis)

Say's Phoebe (1)
Location: Cattle Point; Victoria
Date: September 15 (G. Hart)
Franklin’s Gull (1)
Location: Swartz Bay Ferry terminal, Sidney
Date: September 9 (C. Hughes) to 15 (multiple observers)

Franklin’s Gull (1)
Location: Salmon River Estuary mudflats; Sayward
Date: September 15 (J. Gatten)

Northern Waterthrush (1)
Location: Rocky Point Bird Observatory banding station, Metchosin; restricted access
Date: September 15 (D. Donnecke)

Northern Waterthrush (1)
Location: University of Victoria, Saanich; located here
Date: September 10 to 13 (L. Singh)

Dusky Flycatcher (1)
Location: Jordan River; found here along West Coast Rd
Date: September 14 (C. Hughes and R. Dzenkiw)

Location: Jordan River; observed here along West Coast Rd
Date: September 7 (C. Hughes) to 12 (multiple observers)
Costa’s Hummingbird in Jordan River (Photo: Carl Hughes)

Upland Sandpiper (1)
Location: Pedder Bay, Metchosin; flying over
Date: September 12 (D. Bell)

Location: Jordan River; viewed herehere, and here
Date: September 11 (C. Hughes)
Citrine Wagtail in Jordan River - Photo: Carl Hughes

Palm Warbler (1)
Location: Amphitrite Point, Ucluelet
Date: September 11 (K. Bosch)

Northern Mockingbird (1)
Location: Queens' Park, Oak Bay; here on hawthorns 
Date: September 9 (L. Peterson)
Northern Mockingbird in Victoria (Photo: Les Peterson)

Least Flycatcher (1)
Location: Here at Swan Lake; Victoria
Date: September 7 (C. Saunders) to 9 (multiple observers)
Least Flycatcher in Victoria (Photo: Les Peterson)

Swainson’s Hawk
Location: Tofino Airport; Restricted Access
Reported: August 28 (A. Dorst) to September 9 (I. Cruickshank)
Swainson’s Hawk in Tofino (Photo: Adrian Dorst)

RUFF (1)
Location: Here at the lagoon at Airpark; Courtenay
Date: September 7 (K. Fitzpatric) to 8 (multiple observers)
Ruff in Comox (Photo: Tristan Semeniuk)

Eastern Kingbird (1)
Location: South end of the Tofino Airport fence
Date: September 8 (C. Charlesworth)
Eastern Kingbird in Tofino (Photo: Chris Charlesworth)

Lark Sparrow (1)
Location: Rocky Point banding station; Metchosin; restricted access
Date: September 8 (E. Radziul)

Swainson’s Hawk (1)
Location: Flying north over Mt. Tolmie; Victoria 
Date: September 7 (K. Slagboom)

Location: Flying south over Rocky Point station; Metchosin; restricted access
Date: September 6 (D. Bell and K. Fryer)
BC's first record of Mississippi Kite in Metchosin (photo: David Bell)

Lewis's Woodpecker (1)
Location: Flying south over Rocky Point; Metchosin; restricted access
Date: September 5 (J. Miskelly) to 6 (D. Bell )

American Golden-Plover (1)
Location: Otter Point; Sooke
Date: September 3 (D. Bell and L. Ragan)

Franklin’s Gull (1)
Location: Cattle Point; Victoria  
Date: September 2 (L. Peterson)

Location: on the lawn of the Pacific Sands Beach Resort here; Tofino
*This area is intended for registered guests only*
Date: September 1 (E. Steed)
Lark Bunting in Tofino (Photo: Elliot Steed)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Columbia Beach; Qualicum Beach
Date: September 1 (G. Monty)

Lewis’s Woodpecker (1)
Location: HERE on Dalrae Place; Sooke
Date: September 1 (R. Marchand)

Lewis’s Woodpecker (1)
Location: seen from overlook overlooking Queesto lot and river mouth; Jordan River
Date: September 1 (J. Bertrands)

Lewis’s Woodpecker (1)
Location: flying SW over Pedder Bay; Metchosin
Date: August 30 (G. Newell)

Lark Sparrow (1)
Location: Seen here near the north boat launch and the Staqeya Sculpture at Cattle Point; Victoria
Date: August 25 (D. Newell) to 28 (multiple observers)
Lark Sparrow in Victoria (Photo: Aziza Cooper)

Franklin's Gull (1)
Location: Rocky Point Bird Observatory; restricted access; Metchosin 
Date: August 28 (D. Bell)

Swaison's Hawk (1)
Location: Tofino Airport; restricted access
Date: August 28 (A. Dorst)

Lark Sparrow (1)
Location: Tofino Airport; restricted access
Date: August 25 to 28 (A. Dorst)

Franklin’s Gull (1)
Location: Bell’s Bay;Stuart Island
Date: August 25 (E. Jordan)

Ruddy Turnstone (1)
Location: On Lesser Trial Island viewed from McMicking Point; Victoria
Date: August 25 (G. Newell and D. Newell)

Lark Sparrow (1)
Location: At the new sewage lagoons at Somass River Estuary; Port Alberni
Date: August 25 (S. McRuer)

Lark Sparrow (1)
Location: Here at Mount Tolmie; Victoria
Date: August 24 (G. Newell)
Lark Sparrow in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Yellow-headed Blackbird (1)
Location: On Lochside Dr at Island View Dr; Saanich
Date: August 23 (R. Pirie) to 24 (multiple observers)

Northern Waterthrush (1)
Location: Here at the French Creek estuary nature preserve pond; Parksville 
Date: August 24 (D. Isbister)

Northern Waterthrush (1)
Location: Here at Panama Flats; Victoria 
Date: August 23 (C. Hughes)

Long-billed Curlew (1)
Location: flying over private residence; Victoria
Date: August 23 (C. Hughes)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Here viewed by boat in the Pacific Ocean; off Cow Bay, Tofino 
Date: August 22 (M. Sawyer)

Location: Private Residence on Gower Rd; Saanich
Date: August 21 (D. Fraser)

Franklin's Gull (1)
Location: Off parking lot in the Pedder Bay Cove; Metchosin
Date: August 20 (J. Bertrands)

Northern Waterthrush (1)
Location: Jordan River
Date: August 18 (J. Bertrands and C. Hughes)

Franklin's Gull (1)
Location: Tyee Spit; Campbell River 
Date: August 16 (J. Gatten)

Northern Waterthrush (1)
Location: at the pond at Beckwith Park; Saanich
Date: August 13 (K. Slagboom) to 16 (multiple observers)

Stilt Sandpiper (1)
Location: Oyster Bay; Campbell River 
Date: August 15 (J. MacKenzie and N. Haigh)

Ruddy Turnstone (1)
Location: Clover Point; Victoria
Date: Aug 15 (L. Peterson)

Least Flycatcher (1)
Location: between Panama Hill and the NW Dyke at Panama Flats; Victoria
Date: August 12 (G. Newell)

Ruddy Turnstone (2)
Location: Cluxewe Estuary, Port McNeill
Date: August 12 (J. MacKenzie)

Location: Rocky Point Bird Observatory; restricted access; Metchosin 
Date: August 10 (C. Reader and E. Lewis)
White-winged Dove in Metchosin (Photo: Cathy Reader)

Franklin’s Gull (1)
Location: Rough Bay; Malcolm Island
Date: August 9 (G. Curry)

Location: Rocky Point Bird Observatory; Metchosin; restricted access
Date: July 22 (K. Fryer) to August 7 (multiple observers)
Black-and-White Warbler in Metchosin (Photo: Heather T.)

Location: offshore Tofino; viewed by boat
Date: August 3 (M. Sawyer)

Location: 1 mile south of Siwash Point; offshore Tofino 
Date: August 3 (M. Sawyer)

Location: on the beach at the tip of Sidney Spit; Sidney Island
Date: Aug 1 (G. Newell) to 2 (multiple observers)
Bar-tailed Godwit on Sidney Island (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Location:  HERE off San Malo Crescent/Mariner Way at Englishman River Estuary; Parksville
Date: July 26 (M. Wynja) to 28 (multiple observers)
Common Ringed Plover in Parksville (Photo: Cos van Wermeskerken)

WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER (1; 2nd Nanaimo county record)
Location:  HERE off San Malo Crescent/Mariner Way at Englishman River Estuary; Parksville
Date: July 27 (G. Monty)
White-rumped Sandpiper in Parksville (Photo: Cos van Wermeskerken)

Pacific Golden-Plover (1)
Location:  HERE off San Malo Crescent/Mariner Way at Englishman River Estuary; Parksville
Date: July 27 (D. Bell)

Franklin’s Gull (2)
Location: 1 seen here on Don Apps Beach; Courtenay and 1 last seen here near the Little River Ferry Terminal; Comox 
Date: July 23 (N. St. Hilaire and K. Fitzpatrick) to 25 (multiple observers)
Franklin’s Gull in Campbell River (Photo: Cathy Carlson)

Location: HERE and HERE at Oyster Bay; Campbell River
Date: July 22 (K. Fitzpatrick) to 25 (C. Carlson)
Common Ringed Plover in Campbell River (Photo: Kyle Fitzpatrick)

Hudsonian Godwit (1)
Location: Here on logs; Port McNeill
Date: July 24 (B. Dudeck and D. Lacasse)

Location: Triangle Island
Date: July 20 (P. Lypkie et al.)

Location: Here on tree before flying east at Bluffs Park; Galiano Island
Date: July 17 (B. Banno)
Red-headed Woodpecker on Galiano Island - Photo: Brad Vissia

Location: 1 mile south of Siwash Point; offshore Tofino 
Date: July 13 (M. Sawyer)

Location: Here on Mt. Apps; Cumberland
Date: July 10 (J. Straka)

Location: Triangle Island
Date: July 8 (L. Ragan)

Location: Sartine Island
Date: July 8 (L. Ragan)

Location: seen by boat west of Cape Sutil; here
Date: July 7 (A. Jones) to 8 (multiple observers)
Manx Shearwater off Cape Sutil - Photo: Andrew Jones

Location: Here south of Scott Islands; near Cape Scott 
Date: July 1 (S. Pardo)
Juvenile Short-tailed Albatross off Cape Scott - Photo: Sebastian Pardo

Pacific Golden-Plover (1)
Location: Here at Englishman River Estuary, Parksville
Date: June 28 (D. Isbister)

Location: 4870 Margaret St, Port Alberni; visiting feeder in front yard and also seen here on Kitsuksis Dyke 
Date: June 20 (M. Damant) to 25 (multiple observers)
Common Grackle in Port Alberni (Photo: Penny Hall)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Cattle Point; Victoria 
Reported: June 25 (G. Newell)
Yellow-billed Loon in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: SE side of Stubbs Island; viewed by boat a mile from Tofino 
Reported: June 23 to 24 (A. Dorst)
Yellow-billed Loon (Photo: Adrian Dorst)

Yellow-headed Blackbird (1)
Location: center dyke at Panama Flats; Victoria 
Date: June 7 (G. Newell) to 20 (multiple observers)
Yellow-headed Blackbird in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Solitary Sandpiper (1)
Location: center dyke at Panama Flats; Victoria 
Date: June 22 (G. Newell)

Northern Mockingbird (1)
Location: Here on Radar Beach; Tofino 
Date: June 20 (I. Cruickshank)

Broad-winged Hawk (1)
Location: Mount Tolmie, Saanich; flying north
Date: June 20 (G. Newell)
Broad-winged Hawk in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Least Flycatcher (1)
Location: Here at Uplands Park; Victoria 
Date: June 19 (G. Newell)
Least Flycatcher in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Location: Panama Hill Park, Saanich; singing from the hillside northwest of Panama Flats, here
Date: June 17 (B. Therriault) to 18 (multiple observers)
Yellow-breasted Chat at Panama Hill Park in Saanich (Photo: Benjamin Therriault)

Location: Jordan River; originally here, 200 ft north of Cold Shoulder Cafe; also by 3680 Water's Edge Dr and last seen at 28 Cormorant Way and 3663 Cormorant Way.
Date: June 1 (C. Hughes, J. Wells and J. Kennerley) to June 15 (multiple observers)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak in Jordan River (Photo: Carl Hughes)

Location: Airport Pond; Tofino (restricted access)
Reported: June 14 (A. Dorst)
White-rumped Sandpiper in Tofino (Photo: Adrian Dorst)

Location: Galey Egg Farm, Blenkinsop Rd, Saanich; here on the roof of the blue barn
Date: May 20 (C. Hughes) to June 14 (multiple observers)
Eastern Phoebe in Victoria (Photo: Carl Hughes)

Arctic Tern (2)
Location: Tyee Spit; Campbell River 
Date: June 14 (B. Vroom and T. Semeniuk)

Location: Oyster Bay; Campbell River 
Date: June 13 (K. Fitzpatrick)
Bar-tailed Godwit in Campbell River (Photo: Peter Lypkie)

Location: Here in Uplands Park; Victoria
Date: June 13 (G. Newell)

Broad-winged Hawk (1)
Location: perched here in Mount Work Regional Park; Victoria
Date: June 10 (E. Kolb)

Broad-winged Hawk (1)
Location: Flying N over Beaver Lake; Victoria
Date: June 10 (J. Pardee)

Location: Private Residence; Tofino
Reported: June 10 (A. Dorst)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak in Tofino (Photo: Adrian Dorst)

Location: Sartine Island
Date: June 8 (R. Enns et. al)

Dusky Flycatcher (1)
Location: Bus loop at Mount Tolmie; Victoria 
Date: June 8 (G. Newell)
Dusky Flycatcher in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Yellow-headed Blackbird (1)
Location: Tyee Spit, Campbell River; on grass near walking paths
Date: June 7 (L. Tait)

Eastern Kingbird (1)
Location: Long Beach Airport, Tofino
Date: June 6 (A. Dorst)

American White Pelicans (30)
Location: Rough Bay, Malcolm Island; off 1st St and Bere Rd in Sointula
Date: June 5 to 6 (G. Curry)

Location: private residence, Quadra Island; access by appt only - please contact the RBA at to arrange visitation
Date: May 4 (M. McGill) to June 3 (multiple observers)
Costa’s Hummingbird on Quadra Island (Photo: Danielle Lacasse)

YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT (1) *please do not use playback on this endangered bird.*
Location: Hemer Provincial Park, Cedar; located here 
Directions: Park at the end of Morland Rd and take the trail on the right.  Where it emerges from the stand of young firs into a field grown up in hawthorn and broom, go about another 50 meters. Vocalizing frequently from the Hawthorns. 
Date: May 17 (recorded by C. DeFrane; visually confirmed May 23 by G. Monty) to June 1 (multiple observers) 
Yellow-breasted Chat in Nanaimo (Photo: Guy Monty)

Red-necked Phalarope (1)
Location: Panama Flats, Saanich; along central dyke
Date: May 31 (G. Newhouse) to June 1 (multiple observers)

Western Kingbird (1)
Location: On fence here on Lohbrunner Rd East; Blenkinsop Lake; Victoria
Date: May 31 (M. McGrenere)

Western Kingbird (1)
Location: Bridges Rd, last seen flying towards Cox Rd; Courtenay
Date: May 29 (J. MacKenzie) to 30 (multiple observers)

Location: Spit Rd, Campbell River; initially seen here and relocated on Eaglenest Cres
Date: May 24 (J. Gatten) to 30 (multiple observers)
Sage Thrasher in Campbell River (Photo: James MacKenzie)

Glaucous Gull (1)
Location: Nanaimo River Estuary, Nanaimo; seen from the viewing mound at the estuary
Date: May 29 (D. Baird et al.)

Lazuli Bunting (3)
Location: Mount Tolmie, Saanich; all seen around Warbler Woods, located here
Date: May 29 (G. Newell)

Lazuli Bunting (1)
Location: Jordan River; near Queesto office
Date: May 29 (C. Hughes)

Vesper Sparrow (1)
Location: Industrial Rd, Tofino; end of the road
Date: May 29 (B. Dudeck)

Yellow-headed Blackbird (1, male)
Location: Bere Rd, Malcolm Island; pasture behind Rough Bay
Date: May 29 (G. Curry)

Location: Offshore Tofino
Date: May 28 (M. Sawyer)

Pacific Golden-Plover (1)
Location: Long Beach, Tofino
Date: May 25 (A. Dorst) to 28 (multiple observers)

Location: Nanaimo River Estuary, Nanaimo; viewed here
Date: May 27 (B. Vroom)
Lark Sparrow in Nanaimo (Photo: Bryan Vroom) 

Pacific Golden-Plover (1)
Location: Osyter Bay, Campbell River
Date: May 26 (P. Lypkie)

Dark-eyed Junco (Pink-sided Subspecies) (1)
Location: Jordan River; seen around here 
Date: May 25 to 26 (J. Bertrands et. al)
Dark-eyed Junco (Pink-sided subspecies) very rare in BC (Photo: Joachim Bertrands)

Pacific Golden-Plover (1)
Location: Flying south over McMicking Point towards Trial Islands; Victoria 
Date: May 24 (G. Newell)

Location: Comber’s Beach, Tofino; here at the mouth of Sandhill Creek  
Date: May 23 (I. Cruickshank)

Common Redpoll (1)
Location: Maxey Rd, Nanaimo
Date: May 22 (G. Monty)

Wilson's Phalarope (1)
Location: Panama Flats, Saanich; northwest quadrant
Date: May 9 (A. Cooper) to 22 (multiple observers)

Northern Waterthrush (1)
Location: Jordan River; in the forested swamp area between the industrial yard and Cold Shoulder Cafe
Date: May 22 (J. Bertrands et. al) 

Location: Whiffin Spit, Sooke; seen around here
Date: May 20 (R. Dzenkiw)
Sage Thrasher in Sooke (Photo: Randy Dzenkiw)

Western Kingbird (1)
Location: Nanaimo River Rd, Nanaimo; along Pipeline Trail here 
Date: May 20 (G. Monty)

Western Kingbird (1)
Location: Cattle Point, Oak Bay; between Lansdowne Rd and Beach Dr 
Date: May 19 (C. Veerkamp)

Black-legged Kittiwake (1)
Location: On the beach near the Ken Forde Boat Ramp; Campbell River
Date: May 18 (P. Lypkie et al.)

Yellow-headed Blackbird (1)
Location: Seen on Kersey Street and on the field near the “Wsanec Wetland” sign at Maber Flats; Saanich
Date: May 17 (W. Thorne) to 18 (multiple observers)

Stilt Sandpiper (1)
Location: Courtenay River estuary, Courtenay; here near the airpark
Date: May 16 (K. Kaptein)
Stilt Sandpiper in Courtenay (Photo: Roger Beardmore)

Location: Jordan River; sighted here
Date: May 14 (J. Bertrands and S. McElaney)
Sage Thrasher in Jordan River (Photo: Joachim Bertrands)

Location: Last seen on Long Beach. Also seen Here on Comber’s Beach, 500 m south of Greenpoint. Also seen Here on Wickaninnish Beach. First seen Here at the Sandhill Creek Mouth at Comber’s Beach; Tofino 
Date: May 1 (D. Henderson and A. Bailey) to 11 (I. Cruickshank) to 14 (A. Dorst)
Snowy Plover in Tofino (Photo: Daryl Henderson)

Dusky Flycatcher (3)
Location: Here and Here and Here on Mt Tolmie Park; Victoria
Date: May 11 (G. Newell) to 14 (multiple observers) 

Location: Here at the SE corner and also at the centre dyke Here and Here at the SE corner of Panama Flats; Victoria
Date: May 10 (J. Bertrands and S. McElaney and photographed by G. Hart) to 13 (multiple observers)
Temminck’s Stint in Victoria (Photo: Joachim Bertrands)

Location: Here on the east slope of Mt. Tolmie just below the reservoir and between Camcrest Place; Victoria 
Date: May 13 (G. Newell)
Calliope Hummingbird in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Western Kingbird (2)
Location: Point Holmes; Comox
Date: May 11 (P. Lypkie)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: French Creek Mouth; Parksville
Date: May 11 (S. Knoerr)

American White Pelican (12)
Location: Flying N by Englishmen River Estuary and also by Columbia Beach and also seen flying by Admiral Tyron Lagoon in Parksville and the Shady Rest Stop in Qualicum Beach.
Date: May 11 (G. Monty, S. Knoerr, D. Wilshire and G. Beisel)

Pacific Golden-Plover (2)
Location: Here at Maber Flats; Saanich
Date: May 9 (Jody Wells)

American White Pelican (12)
Location: in the lagoon at Sidney Spit; Sidney
Date: May 8 (D. Donnecke)

Western Kingbird (1)
Location: HERE at Glencoe-Cove Park; Victoria 
Date: May 3 (N. Heuver) to 6 (multiple observers)

Northern Goshawk (1)
Location: Phyllis Park; Saanich
Date: April 6 (S. Norton)

American White Pelicans (13)
Location: Flying south over Mt. Tzouhalem; North Cowichan
Date: May 6 (J. Wisnia)

Location: Here flying over Mackenzie Beach; Tofino
Date: May 3 to 4 (K. Freitag)
Lesser Nighthawk in Tofino (Photo: Kelsey Freitag)

Hudsonian Godwit (1)
Location: 200 m W of Box Island on Schooner Cove Beach near Long Beach; Tofino 
Date: May 2 (I. Cruickshank)
Hudsonian Godwit in Tofino (Photo: Ian Cruickshank)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Flying NW past Amphitrite point; Ucluelet
Date: April 28 to 29 (I. Cruickshank)

Vesper Sparrow (1)
Location: On ball field at Seaplane Base Park; Ucluelet
Date: April 26 (I. Cruickshank) to 29 (multiple observers)

Yellow-headed Blackbird (1)
Location: On telephone wire at the corner of Central Saanich Rd and Ridgedown Place; Saanich
Date: April 23 (K. Sutherland) to 29 (multiple observers)

Ruddy Turnstone (1)
Location: Clover Point; Victoria
Date: April 27 (G. Newell) to 29 (multiple observers)
Ruddy Turnstone in Victoria (Photo: Heather Tocher)

Brown Pelican (1)
Location: Clover Point; Victoria 
Date: April 27 (G. Newell) to 29 (multiple observers)
Brown Pelican in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Mountain Bluebird (1)
Location: On fence posts on Cox Rd; Courtenay
Date: April 24 (J. Mackenzie) to 27 (multiple observers)
Lapland Longspur (2)
Location: on the shoulder of the road on Peninsula Rd at the intersection of Forbes Rd; Ucluelet
Date: April 27 (C. Coxson)

Long-billed Curlew (3)
Location: On the mudflats at Sharp Rd Lookout; Tofino
Date: April 23 (J. Williams)

Yellow-headed Blackbird (1)
Location: Private Property at Pendray’s Farm; Saanich
Date: April 23 (fide J. Wells)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Flying NW past Amphitrite point; Ucluelet
Date: April 23 (C. Coxson)

Red-naped Sapsucker (1)
Location: in Oak tree by the water reservoir by the main observatory building on Observatory Hill; Victoria
Date: April 20 (M. McGrenere)

Long-billed Curlew (2)
Location: Tofino Airport (restricted access)
Date: April 20 (I. Cruickshank)

Mountain Bluebird (1)
Location: Sugarloaf Mtn; Nanaimo
Date: April 29 (F. Holtslander)

Yellow-headed Blackbird (1)
Location: centre dyke at Panama Flats; Victoria 
Date: April 19 (G. Newell)
Yellow-headed Blackbird in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Mountain Bluebird (3)
Location: on the fenceline on Coldwater Rd - Parksville
Date: April 18 (J. Cooper) to 19 (multiple observers)

SUMMER TANAGER (1) *open to the public*
Location: At suet feeder at private residence located at 2449 Tyron Rd; North Saanich
Date: November 11/23 (M. and G. Maxwell) to April 18/24 (multiple observers)
Male Summer Tanager in North Saanich (Photo: Ann Nightingale) 

Solitary Sandpiper (1)
Location: In the marsh at the end of Nelthorpe Rd at Swan Lake; Saanich
Date: Apil 18 (P. Fair)

American Goshawk (1)
Location: Here on the top of Mount Washington; Comox
Date: April 18 (D. Lacasse)

Mountain Bluebird (2)
Location: on the shoreline in front of golf course viewed from McMicking Point - Victoria
Date: April 16 (G. Newell)

Mountain Bluebird (1)
Location: On fencepost just north of Martindale Rd at Martindale Flats - Saanich
Date: April 16 (M. McGrenere)

American Tree Sparrow (1)
Location: Last seen at 1768 Glastonbury Rd. First seen Here at Mt. Tolmie; Saanich
Date: April 14 (L. Singh) to 15 (multiple observers)

American Goshawk
Location: Flying over OK Mt Top; Nanoose Bay
Date: Apil 14 (M. Wynja et. al)

Red-naped Sapsucker (1)
Location: Private Home - Port Alberni
Date: April 14 (J. Windh)

Heermann's Gull (1, rare for season)
Location: On the dock at the end of Bay St and at the dock at the end of Main St, Ucluelet
Date: March 11 (P. Kyne) to April 14 (C. Coxson)

Mountain Bluebird (1)
Location: On the beach (facing Drew Harbour) at Rebecca Spit Provincial Park; Quadra Island
Date: April 13 to 14 (L. Tremblay)

Mountain Bluebird (1)
Location: Port Hardy Airport runway
Date: April 13 (C. Montgomery)

Mountain Bluebird (15)
Location: Here near the blueberry field along Blacktail Rd; Dunsmuir
Date: March 18 (C. Carlson) to April 13 (multiple observers)

Common Redpoll (1)
Location: Feeder near 430 Kennedy St; Nanaimo
Date: April 12 (D. Gullison)

Long-billed Curlew (1)
Location: On the SJ Willis Sports Field at Hillside Ave and Blanshard St; Victoria 
Date: April 12 (fide Jody Wells)

Northern Mockingbird (1)
Location: Last seen at 1175 Pintail Drive. Also seen at 1211 Butterball near the Yamburry Beach Access - Qualicum Beach
Date: March 28 (R. and K. Findlay) to April 11 (multiple observers)
Northern Mockingbird in Qualicum Beach (Photo: Cathy Carlson)

KING EIDER (1 female)
Location: Off Little Beach Here in mixed Scoter flock; Ucluelet
Date: April 10 (C. Coxson) to 11 (multiple observers)
King Eider in Ucluelet (Photo: Christopher Coxson)

Long-billed Curlew (1)
Location: In field at the end of Cox Rd; Courtenay
Date: April 9 (S. Milligan) to 10 (multiple observers)

PYGMY NUTHATCH (1) *open to public* Please be respectful of private residences and do not block driveways.
Location: 2552 Beaufort Road; Sidney. Please Park on Beaufort Road and walk in to the backyard. Please go around the house to the left (south) into the back yard and look up toward the house.  The suet feeder is on a post up close against the window. Also seen in firs at 2543 and 2545 Beaufort Rd.
*Also seen at the suet feeder at 2534 Goddard Rd in Sidney. Please view the Goddard Rd feeder from the public street.*
Date: October 10/23 (S. Johnson) to April 7/24 (multiple observers)
Pygmy Nuthatch in Sidney (Photo: Evan Larson)

Say’s Phoebe (1)
Location: On the roof of a house at the corner of McFeely Dr. and Surfside Dr. - Qualicum Beach
Date: April 6 (Jeremy Gatten)

Say’s Phoebe (1)
Location: Here on the fence of the sheep farm south of Taylor Rd, 500 m NW of Taylor Beach - Metchosin
Date: April 4 (A. Knowles) to 6 (multiple observers) 

Mountain Bluebirds (2)
Location: Along Kye Bay Rd east of the Comox Airport; Comox
Date: March 21 (R. Peterson) to April 5 (multiple observers)

Location: Here in pines at the South-West end of Ross Bay Cemetery; Victoria  
Date: November 18 (G. Newell) to April 4/24 (multiple observers)
White-breasted Nuthatch in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Mountain Bluebird (3)
Location: Seen here in Hawthorns at the end of Raines Rd at the Nanaimo River Estuary; Nanaimo
Date: April 4 (C. Carlson)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Off of Parksville Community Park; Parksville
Date: January 4/24 to April 3/24 (G. Monty and D. Baird)

Mountain Bluebird (2)
Location: On the Shelly Rd side of Englishmen River Estuary; Parksville
Date: April 1 (D. Wilshire)

Mountain Bluebird (1)
Location: On the beach at Trent River Estuary, Royston
Date: March 29 (K. Kaptein)

Say’s Phoebe (1)
Location: On stakes at Cuthbert Holmes Park along the berm parallel to Hwy 1 near to Tillicum Mall  - Victoria
Reported: March 27 (J.Gaskin) 

Say’s Phoebe (1)
Location: HERE at the memorial on Mills Road and on the fence near there at YYJ airport also seen across from the Canora view point - Saanich
Date: March 24 (J.Wells) to 27 (multiple observers) 
Say’s Phoebe in Saanich (Photo: Jody Wells)

Heermann's Gull (1, rare for season)
Location: Clover Point, Victoria; on grass during high winds
Date: March 11 (C. Comeau) to 27 (multiple observers)

Glaucous Gull (1 first cycle)
Location: Hesquiat Peninsula; Hesquiat
Date: March 15 (B. Dudeck) to 22 (multiple observers)

Redhead (3)
Location: McIntyre Reservoir, Martindale Flats, Central Saanich 
Date: December 13/23 (G. Newell) to March 19/24 (multiple observers)

Location: Duncan Sewage Lagoons; Duncan, here
Date: December 1/23 (J. Gatten) to March 19/24 (multiple observers)
Tufted Duck in Duncan (Photo: Jeremy Gatten)

Location: Private property, Port Alberni
Date: March 11-16 (fide J. Kimm)

Location: Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria; in pine trees along east side
Date: November 13/23 (G. Newell) to March 16/24 (multiple observers)
Pygmy Nuthatch in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Mountain Bluebird (1)
Location: Private Property with no public access at Martindale Flats; Saanich
Date: March 16 (Jody Wells)
Mountain Bluebird in Saanich (Photo: Jody Wells)

Blue Jay (1)
Location: Prospect Lake, seen here on Estelline Drive near Estelline Park; Saanich.
Date: October 26/2022 (B. Burton) to March 10/24 (multiple observers)
Iconic of the east, but a rare sight on Vancouver Island (Photo: Marlene Mitchell)

Common Redpoll (2)
Location: At feeder Here near western entrance to Diver Lake; Nanaimo
Date: March 6 (B. Vroom) to 9 (multiple observers)

Location: Private Residence; Cobble Hill
Date: January 12 (W. Innes) to February 27 (multiple observers)
Male Hooded Oriole in Cobble Hill (Photo: Jeremy Gatten)

Rusty Blackbird (1)
Location: King's Pond, Saanich
Date: January 6 (G. Newell) to February 25 (multiple observers)
Rusty Blackbird in Victoria (Photo: Geoffrey Newell)

Redhead (1)
Location: Viaduct Flats, Saanich
Date: December 30/23 (S. McElaney) to February 24/24 (multiple observers)

Harris's Sparrow (1)
Location: Sixth St and Windermere Ave, Cumberland
Date: December 17/23 (J. Straka) to February 18/24 (multiple observers)

Northern Waterthrush (1)
Location: Tuesday Pond, Swan Lake, Saanich 
Date: January 11 (J. Gaskin) to February 4 (multiple observers)

Redhead (2)
Location: In the pond on Galiano Dr between Gabriola Dr and Britannia Dr; Parksville
Date: November 3/23 (G. Robertson) to February 4/24 (multiple observers)

Sora (1)
Location: near boardwalk at Swan Lake; Victoria
Date: January 18 (K. Emmaneel) to 19 (multiple observers)

Mountain Bluebird (1)
Location: Winfall Rd, Metchosin; in field north of road
Date: December 27/23 (S. Futehally and J. Johannesson) to January 18/24 (multiple observers)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Cattle Point; Victoria
Date: January 13 (K. Emmaneel)

Yellow-billed Loon (1)
Location: Brickyard Cove; Nanoose Bay
Date: January 13 (G. Monty and D. Baird)

Redhead (1)
Location: Summit Park Reservoir; Victoria 
Date: December 1/23 (M. Robichaud) to January 7/24 (multiple observers)

Ruddy Turnstone (1)
Location: First seen on the Ogden Point Breakwater. Also seen on rocks off Holland Point and at Clover Point; Victoria
Date: December 31/23 (H. Tocher) to January 2/24 (multiple observers)

Wilson's Warbler (1, rare in winter)
Location: Between the Japanese Gardens and Gorge Waterway; Victoria
Date: January 2/24 (E. Ruberg) 

Glaucous Gull (1 first cycle)
Location: Viewing platform at the west beach of Qualicum Beach
Date: January 2/24 (L. Singh)