Monday, March 3, 2025

RBA: TUFTED DUCK in Vancouver - March 1-6th

At 10:50 am on March 1-2025, Christina Balkwill found a immature male Tufted Duck at the main pond at Vanier Park. The bird was not present on March 2nd but was relocated on the afternoon of March 3rd and viewed by multiple observers.

Map to location HERE

The bird continues in the same location on March 6th.

Tufted Duck in Vancouver - Photo: Ben Lambert
Male Tufted Duck in Vancouver - Photo: Stephan Dryagin

Sunday, March 2, 2025

RBA: GREAT-TAILED GRACKLE in Chemainus - March 1st

At 10:30 am on March 1-2025, Jade Blakney found a female Great-tailed Grackle feeding from her hand near the dumpsters by the Chemainus Health Care Auxilliary Thrift Store at 9867 Maple Street in Chemainus. The bird was present all day up until at least 3pm.

Map to location HERE

This is the 8th record for BC.

The bird has not been relocated, despite multiple observers looking.

Great-tailed Grackle in Chemainus - Photos: Jade Blakney

Thursday, January 9, 2025

RBA: BLACK PHOEBE in Langley - Jan 9-Feb 2nd

At 2:45 pm on January 9-2025, James Linde found a Black Phoebe at the pond with the beaver lodge at Jackman Wetlands in Langley.

Map to location HERE

The bird continued HERE and HERE on Feb 2nd and was viewed by multiple observers.

This is the 52nd record for BC.

Black Phoebe in Langley - Photo: Gabrielle Cuff

Black Phoebe in Langley - Photo: Robert Enns

Friday, January 3, 2025

RBA: BRAMBLING in Richmond - Jan 3rd-7th

At 10am on January 3rd, 2025 Tak and Mayumi Shibata found a Brambling on the old Ferguson Road. The bird was with a flock of American Robins on the hillside between the YVR Airport fence and the cement plant.

Map to location HERE

Note there is no authorized parking on the old Ferguson Rd you must park HERE and walk down. Pls follow all parking regulation signs.

The bird continued at the original location on Jan 4th up until 10:30 am, after which it flew NW.

At 3pm the bird was briefly relocated HERE with Purple Finches.

On Jan 5th, the bird continued from 8:30-8:45 am at the original location before flying NW.

It was then relocated HERE on Shannon Rd and viewed by multiple observers after periods of long absences.

On Jan 6-7th, the bird continued HERE along Shannon Rd.

The bird has not been reported since Jan 7th.

Brambling in Richmond - Photo: Tak Shibata 
Brambling in Richmond - Photo: Mayumi Shibata