Wednesday, January 6, 2016

RBA: SIBERIAN ACCENTOR in Surrey, Jan 3-20th

At 12pm on Jan 6th, George Clulow and Mandy Lu found and photographed a Siberian Accentor at Gill Farm (5224 160th St). This is along 160th St. south of Colebrook Rd in Surrey in the blueberry fields on the east side of the road. The bird was flocking with 6 Dark-eyed Juncos and was perched in the Northern edge of the blueberry field in a Red Alder. The best way to access this location is to park in front of Capella's Farm on the shoulder of the road and walk south on 160th but it is also accessible South from Hwy 10. The bird is very skittish. The bird was actually first found on Jan 3rd at 2pm on the White Rock Christmas Bird Count but the observer wasn't sure of what he had seen until he photographed it on Jan 6th. More info on previous Siberian Accentors in British Columbia can be found HEREA note on parking and viewing. Please park off to the side of the road at wide spots or as far onto the shoulder as possible. When viewing from the roadway (the only viewpoint), please be respectful of passing vehicles and allow unimpeded passage to the residents and workers who utilize this road and please stay off private property at all times.

It has been seen in the hedgerow to the left (north) side of the house in blackberries and alders, and has also been seen to the right (south) of the house in the large bush. It goes into the blueberry fields as well as further down the hedgerow, both of which can make it difficult or impossible to see, and it may disappear for extended periods of time,. There have been several days with no sightings. When present, it is often only visible for brief moments at a time. It may associate with juncos or be by itself, but either way is usually inconspicuous.

Update: The accentor has not been relocated since Jan 20th.

Siberian Accentor in Surrey - Photo: John Gordon