Wednesday, February 10, 2021

RBA: REDWING in Saanich - Feb 10-March 20th

At 3:45pm on February 10-2021, Jody Wells found a Redwing associating with American Robins near the playground at Hamsterly Beach at Elk Lake Regional Park in Saanich. The bird was described well and Jody has seen this species before in Victoria. Jody viewed the bird (that was on the ground 50 feet away from him) with binoculars but before he was able to get a photo, the bird was flushed by a passerby.  The bird was not relocated that same evening by Jody or by several others looking. 

Map to location of where the bird was seen HERE 

On Feb 11th-2021, the bird was relocated in the same general location HERE on the grassy area just west of the playground. It was viewed by several observers and photographed. 

**The bird continues near the same location HERE as of March 20th and has been viewed by multiple observers *

This is the 4th record for BC.

*As per current Public Health directives due to COVID-19 - Please remain 2 metres apart when viewing this bird. Please follow all public health directives (including not birding in groups) during this pandemic. The BC Public Health directives can be found HERE*

***There is a public health order now in effect restricting non-essential travel from your local health region to anywhere in the province or elsewhere in Canada. It also requires you to limit those you gather with to 10 people. You can read it HERE***

**eBird's statement on how to bird mindfully during the pandemic can be viewed HERE**

Redwing in Saanich - Photos: Liam Singh


  1. Continued to be seen (albeit briefly each time) during this afternoon. Mostly at the lawn/woods edge west of the playground, retreating into the undergrowth each time.
