Sunday, June 16, 2024

RBA: ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER in Coquitlam - June 15-18th

At 6pm on June 15-2024, Stephan Dryagin found an Ash-throated Flycatcher west of the bridge at Colony Farm in Coquitlam. He viewed it for a minute before it flew off to the west.

Map to location HERE

On the evening of June 18-2024, Kerri Zhao relocated the bird briefly at the community gardens at Colony Farm, before it flew towards the forensic hospital. 

Map to last location HERE

Ash-throated Flycatcher in Coquitlam - Photo: Stephan Dryagin
Ash-throated Flycatcher in Coquitlam -
Photo: Kerri Zhao

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