Wednesday, July 24, 2024

RBA: 2 LEAST TERNS in Lumby - July 24th

At 7:30 am on July 24th, Scott Thomson found and photographed 2 adult Least Terns at Rawlings Lake. He viewed both birds until 9:30am.

At 1:30pm Chris Siddle relocated one bird on the lake, while viewing it from Rawlings Lake Rd, on the west side of the lake.

Map to location of where to view the bird from HERE

When viewing the bird please do not trespass or attempt to get close to the lake. You must view the bird from the road by scope or binoculars. The land around the lake is all private property. Please be respectful of the private landowners. 

This is the 4th record for BC.

***The bird was not relocated on July 25th, despite multiple observers looking.***

Least Terns in Lumby - Photos: Scott Thomson

Least Tern in Lumby - Photo: Chris Siddle

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