Sunday, May 5, 2024

RBA: LESSER NIGHTHAWK in Tofino - May 3-4th

Kelsey Freitag photographed a Lesser Nighthawk at 8:45pm on May 4th-2024. She originally viewed the same bird the night before on May 3rd at 8pm and took video. She initially thought it was a Common Nighthawk but her photos show a bird with white wing bars extending closer to the tips of the wings and the time of year fits Lesser Nighthawk much better as well.

Map to location she viewed the bird both nights is HERE

The bird was not relocated on May 5th, despite many looking.

This is the 4th record for Vancouver Island and the 5th record for BC.

Lesser Nighthawk in Tofino - Photos: Kelsey Freitag

Saturday, May 4, 2024

RBA: FERRUGINOUS HAWK in Chilliwack - May 4th

At 9:30 am on May 4-2024, Paul Foth photographed a Ferruginous Hawk that flew east over the intersection of Sherlaw and Extrom Rds in the Ryder Lake area of Chilliwack.

Map to location HERE

Ferruginous Hawk in Chilliwack - Photos: Paul Foth

Thursday, May 2, 2024

RBA: SNOWY PLOVERS in Tofino - May 1-23rd

At 2:45 pm on May 1-2024, Daryl Henderson and Annette Bailey found a Snowy Plover at the mouth of Sandhill Creek on Comber’s Beach in Tofino.

Map to location HERE

On May 4th-2024, Ian Cruickshank found a new or relocated the same Snowy Plover HERE on Wickaninnish Beach.

On May 5th-2024, Michelle Hamilton relocated the bird HERE 500m south of Greenpoint on Comber’s Beach.

The bird continues on Comber’s Beach on May 6th and has been viewed by multiple observers.

On May 7-11th, 2024, 2 Snowy Plovers were observed side by side HERE on Wickaninnish Beach.

On May 12th, 2 were found on Wickaninnish Beach by Nygel N. but one was banded and all previous birds were not banded proving this was at least one new individual.

On May 14th, 2024 Adrian Dorst relocated one of the birds or found a new one on Long Beach in Tofino.

**On May 23rd, 2024 Ian Cruickshank found another unbanded Snowy Plover on Comber’s Beach.**

These are presumed to be the 44th, 45th, 46th, 47th, 48th and 49th record for BC

Snowy Plover in Tofino - Photo: Daryl Henderson

Sunday, April 28, 2024

RBA: BRAMBLING in Quesnel - April 26th

On April 26-2024, a Brambling hit Leanne Davies’s window at her private home in Puntchesakut Lake near Quesnel. The bird survived and flew off once recovered.

Brambling in Quesnel - Photo: Leanne Davies

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

RBA: ORIENTAL TURTLE-DOVE in Surrey - April 17-24th

At 4:36pm on April 17-2024, Cos van Wermeskerken found an Oriental Turtle-Dove sitting on the grass at the edge of the slough near Dunsmuir St at Blackie Spit.

He watched the bird for a few mins before it flew west and high over the intersection of Dunsmuir St.and Gilley St. He was unable to relocate the bird.

Map to location of where he saw the bird is HERE

This is the 4th record for BC and is listed as ABA Code 4.

At 6:55pm on April 18th, Ilya Povalyaev and Melissa Hafting relocated the dove at a feeder at a private home at the corner of Agar St and McBride Ave. 

Map to location HERE

Please be respectful of private property and do not block driveways or point cameras at windows of private homes.

The bird was briefly there before flying south and high at 7:05pm over Sullivan Street.

On April 24th, the bird continued at the same feeder and has been viewed by multiple observers.

The bird was not relocated on April 25 or 26, despite multiple observers looking.

**Please do not spread seed down in the neighborhood at the request of homeowners, as it can attract rats**

Oriental Turtle-Dove in Surrey - Photo: Eric Ellingson

Oriental Turtle-Dove in Surrey, BC - Photos: Ilya Povalyaev

Oriental Turtle-Dove in Surrey - Photo: Cos van Wermeskerken 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

RBA: KING EIDER in Ucluelet - April 10-11th

At 10:30 am on April 10-2024, Chris Coxson found a female King Eider in a large mixed Scoter flock of over 900 birds off of Little Beach in Ucluelet.

Map to location of bird HERE

Best spot for birders to stand and view the bird is HERE on Little Beach

This is the 41st record for BC.

The bird continued in the same on April 11th and was viewed by multiple observers. It has not been relocated since.

King Eider in Ucluelet - Photos: Chris Coxson

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

RBA: BLACK PHOEBE in Langley - April 3-5th

At 9 am on April 3-2024, Cos van Wermeskerken found an adult Black Phoebe calling at the NW corner of Brydon Lagoon.

Map to location HERE

This is the 46th record for BC.

On April 5th, the Black Phoebe continued in the same spot and had been viewed by multiple observers.

On April 6th, the bird was not relocated, despite multiple observers looking.

Black Phoebe in Langley - Photos: Cos van Wermeskerken

Saturday, March 23, 2024

RBA: HOODED ORIOLE in Port Alberni - March 11-16

On March 11-2024, a male Hooded Oriole was photographed on private property in Port Alberni, and reported to Jeremy Kimm. The observer wishes to remain anonymous.  

The home is not open to the public.

This is the 28th record for BC.

The bird continued as of March 16th at the same location. 

Hooded Oriole in Port Alberni - Photo: via Jeremy Kimm

Thursday, March 14, 2024

RBA: REDWING in Vancouver - March 14

At 3:40pm on March 14-2024, Mark Swanson found a Redwing at Fraser River Park in Vancouver. The bird was seen associating with American Robins on the grass in the southeast corner of the park.

Map to location HERE

This is the 5th record for BC.

The bird was not relocated on March 15th despite multiple observers looking. 

Redwing in Vancouver - Photo: Mark Swanson

Saturday, January 13, 2024

RBA: HOODED ORIOLE in Cobble Hill - Jan 12-Feb 27th

At 11am on Jan 12-2024, a male Hooded Oriole was photographed at a hummingbird feeder at a private backyard of a home, on Pineridge Dr (near Pineridge Pl), in the gated community of Arbutus Ridge in Cobble Hill. The sighting was posted on inaturalist by the observer’s son Mr. William Innes but the original observer prefers to keep their first name anonymous.

The home is not open to the public. The community is gated and currently there is no public access except for residents.

This is the 27th record for BC.

The bird was seen again by resident of the community on February 27th.

Hooded Oriole in Cobble Hill - Photo: Jeremy Gatten