Monday, August 19, 2024

RBA: BLACK PHOEBE in Sechelt - Aug 19-20th

At 10 am on Aug 19th-2024, John Hodges found a Black Phoebe off the causeway on Field Rd at Wilson Creek Estuary.

Map to location HERE

This is the 48th record for BC and 1st record for the Sunshine Coast.

The bird continues in the same location on Aug 20th and has been viewed by multiple observers.

Black Phoebe in Sechelt - Photo: Rand Rudland

Black Phoebe in Sechelt - Photo: John Hodges

RBA: CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER in Port Coquitlam - Aug 19th

At 9:30 am on Aug 19-2024,  Larry Cowan found a Chestnut-sided Warbler in a mixed warbler flock at Blakeburn Lagoons in Port Coquitlam.

Map to location HERE

This is the 91st record for BC.

The bird has not been relocated since the initial sighting, despite multiple observers looking. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

RBA: WHITE-WINGED DOVE in Metchosin - Aug 10th

At 7:45 am on Aug 10-2024, Cathy Reader and Evan Lewis found a White-winged Dove at Rocky Point Bird Observatory in Metchosin. 

There is no public access to this site.

This is the 24th record for BC.

White-winged Dove in Metchosin - Photo: Cathy Reader

Sunday, August 4, 2024

RBA: SHORT-TAILED ALBATROSS off Tofino - August 3rd

On August 3-2024, Mark Sawyer photographed a juvenile Short-tailed Albatross from his boat offshore from Tofino.

Map to approximate location HERE

Saturday, July 27, 2024

RBA: COMMON RINGED PLOVER in Parksville - July 26-28th

At 6pm on July 26th-2024, Mark Wynja found a different Common Ringed Plover at Englishman River Estuary off Mariner Way in Parksville. 

Map to location HERE

The bird continued on July 28th and was  viewed by multiple observers. 

The bird was not relocated on July 29th, despite multiple observers looking.

This is the 4th record for BC and 1st for Nanaimo County.

Common Ringed Plover in Parksville - Photos: Cos van Wermeskerken

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

RBA: 2 LEAST TERNS in Lumby - July 24th

At 7:30 am on July 24th, Scott Thomson found and photographed 2 adult Least Terns at Rawlings Lake. He viewed both birds until 9:30am.

At 1:30pm Chris Siddle relocated one bird on the lake, while viewing it from Rawlings Lake Rd, on the west side of the lake.

Map to location of where to view the bird from HERE

When viewing the bird please do not trespass or attempt to get close to the lake. You must view the bird from the road by scope or binoculars. The land around the lake is all private property. Please be respectful of the private landowners. 

This is the 4th record for BC.

***The bird was not relocated on July 25th, despite multiple observers looking.***

Least Terns in Lumby - Photos: Scott Thomson

Least Tern in Lumby - Photo: Chris Siddle

Monday, July 22, 2024

RBA: COMMON RINGED PLOVER in Parksville - July 22-25th

At 6pm on July 22-2024, Kyle Fitzpatrick found a Common Ringed Plover at Oyster Bay in Campbell River. Kyle was able to photograph and obtain audio recordings of the bird calling. He viewed the bird until 7pm and a few other observers got to see the bird after this as well.

You can listen to the audio below:

Map to location HERE

This is the 3rd record for BC and the second time a Common Ringed Plover has been found at this location.

The bird was not relocated on July 23, despite multiple observes looking.

***The bird was relocated HERE  at Oyster Bay in Campbell River on July 25th by Cathy Carlson ***

Common Ringed Plover in Campbell River - Photos: Kyle Fitzpatrick

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

RBA: RED-HEADED WOODPECKER on Galiano Island - July 17th

At 7:45 am on July 17-2024, a Red-headed Woodpecker was found by Brian Banno at Bluffs Park on Galiano Island. The bird flew away to the east at 8:06 am shortly after viewing.


If you park at the lot HERE near the top of Bluffs Park and then walk along the trail heading North, Brian spotted the bird about 200yards up the trail, on a large dead Douglas Fie tree that was on the ocean side. It then flew east and stopped on a few trees before it flew away to the east high over the trees.

Map to location HERE

The bird was relocated at 2pm at the same spot and has been viewed by multiple observers. It flew east at 2:45pm and hasn’t been relocated since.

**The bird was not relocated on July 18 or 19th, despite multiple observers looking.**

This is the 7th record for BC.

Red-headed Woodpecker on Galiano Island - Photos: Brad Vissia

Red-headed Woodpecker on Galiano Island - Photo: Brian Banno

Friday, July 12, 2024

RBA: LEAST TERN in Delta - July 12th

At 10am on July 12-2024, Brian Self,  Kevin Louth, Roger Foxall and Philip Wright found an adult Least Tern in the channel off the mansion near 96th St at Boundary Bay in Delta.

Map to location HERE

This is the third record for BC.

The bird was viewed by a few birders before flying high towards White Rock at 10:50am. It was not relocated, thus far, despite multiple observers looking.

Least Tern in Delta - Photo: Philip Wright

A video of the bird below by Kevin Louth:

Monday, July 1, 2024


At 4pm on July 1st-2024, Sebastian Pardo found an immature Short-tailed Albatross south of the Scott Islands while aboard the CCGS Sir John Franklin research vessel.

Map to location HERE

Short-tailed Albatross near Cape Scott off Vancouver Island - Photo: Sebastian Pardo