Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 17--Black-throated Sparrow in Osoyoos

Doug Brown found a singing Black-throated Sparrow in the arid sage hills of the Osoyoos West Bench. This is an area where he and others have had the species several times before. If this or other birds become reliable, watch for updates here.

This area is accessed by driving through the subdivision directly south of the Osoyoos Golf Course (Fairwinds Drive etc).

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 14--*60+* WHITE-FACED IBIS near Cranbrook!

From Chris N on the East Kootenay yahoo group:

"Had an amazing experience tonight.  Back at Bummer's Flats this evening.  Paddling upstream from the boat launch, came across a pair of cormorants standing on a log at the water's edge.  Assume they were the double crested.  On our way back to the launch, I looked downstream and there was a large flock of birds coming up river.  at a distance thought it was a big flock of Canada geese.  As they got closer I realized it was something different.  Ended up a flock of just over 60 white-faced ibis flew right over top us.  Sunlight was perfect to see the chocolate brown body, green wings, and of course the long bill.  fantastic site and we got extremely close."

Bummer Flats is a complex of wetlands along the Columbia River just north of Fort Steele. Will post more info as it comes.

Monday, May 12, 2014

May 11--BAR-TAILED GODWIT near Port McNeill

Peter Curtis photographed this Bar-tailed Godwit (right) on the Cluxewe Estuary (NW of Port McNeill) on May 11th. It was in the company of a Long-billed Curlew (also a rare bird for the upper island, particularly this late in the season). Juvenile 'Barwits' are nearly annual in fall on the BC coast but spring birds are few and far between!

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 11--Laysan Albatross off Ucluelet

Hi all,

I've just returned to the Alberni Valley after a very enjoyable Ucluelet pelagic organized by WildResearch BC. Highlight was a single LAYSAN ALBATROSS that stayed with the boat for over 15 minutes--it was also our first albatross of the day!

Laysan Albatross (Photo: Catherine Jardine)
Laysan showing upperside (Photo: Catherine Jardine)

For WildResearch's full report, click HERE.

*Note that the trip list is still being adjusted a bit as have 80+ birders on board can lead to a range of species lists and totals at times.

Russ Cannings

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Late report: BLACK PHOEBE (Apr 10-11)

From Adrian Dorst:

"I just found out today about another Black Phoebe sighting for the west coast. It was seen on two consecutive days in April, on the 10th and 11th, at the Millstream subdivision northwest of Ucluelet by Ewen and Barbara Brittain... There have been a number of rare flycatchers sighted at that location over the years including Ash-throated Flycatcher, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, and Tropical Kingbird."

This is the 19th record for BC.

Friday, May 2, 2014

April 27--WHITE-TAILED KITE near Kamloops

**May 3--Possibly the same bird was seen by Ted Hillary at Salmon Arm Bay!

Original post:

Photo'd by Noreen Sadiwnyk

April 27--"It was on the Chase - Pritchard road north of the South Thompson River approximately 2 -3 kilometers passed the Neskonlith Lake turnoff. It was hunting in open fields ( near where the long billed curlews regularly nest close to the Wolf Creek Ranch)."

This location is between Chase and Kamloops.

*Has not been relocated since*

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28--Little Gull at Nakusp

Gary Davidson photographed this apparent Little Gull at the mouth of Kuskanax Creek in Nakusp
(April 28). Comments welcome. It was consorting with some Bonaparte' Gulls.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24--Northern Mockingbird in Sechelt

John Hodges and Kai Bosch found a Northern Mockingbird at the Wilson Creek Estuary today south of Sechelt (Sunshine Coast).

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 12--WHITE-TAILED KITE near Port Alberni

George Bradd reports a WHITE-TAILED KITE flying over his place on the road to Great Central Lake (Just outside of Port Alberni).

Will post any updates or further sightings as they come.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27--King Eider returns to Little Qualicum

Guy Monty reports that scoter and gull numbers are swelling during a late spawn around Qualicum Beach. This morning (March 27) he relocated the first-winter male KING EIDER that was present back in February near the Little Qualicum River Estuary--west end of Surfside Drive. He also reports 4 Glaucous Gulls, 1 Nelson's Gull (Herring x Glaucous hybrid), and a Mountain Bluebird in the area.