Sunday, October 12, 2014

Oct 10-28--Lesser Black-backed Gull in Penticton

This 3rd-cycle Lesser Black-backed Gull was discovered near the S.S. Sicamous in the SW corner of Okanagan Lake (Penticton) by Dick Cannings on Oct 10. It was soon after photographed (above) by Laure Neish, and since then it has been seen off and on along the Okanagan beachfront in Penticton (Lakeshore Drive). It seems to be absent for most of the day with daily sightings ranging from early morning to late afternoon. Once a reliable visitors to several locations in the Okanagan each winter, this species has been more irregular over the past few years.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Oct 10--Dickcissel in Francois Lake

Keith Walker photographed this Dickcissel in his yard on Oct 10. Nice find for Francois Lake--near Burns Lake in West-Central BC.

This is the 24th record for BC.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Sept 30--Red-throated Pipit and Brambling in Haida Gwaii

Not satisfied with Yellow Wagtail the day before, James Bradley joined up with resident birders Peter Hamel and Margo Hearne, finding a Brambling (pictured below), 
Red-throated Pipit, and a Buff-breasted Sandpiper around Sandspit, Haida Gwaii

Photo: James Bradley

Monday, September 29, 2014

Sep 29--YELLOW WAGTAIL in Queen Charlotte City

Not satisfied with simply finding a Little Stint near Victoria this fall, James Bradley just called in with this doozie for BC. Seen late this morning in Queen Charlotte City on Graham Island, Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands). The bird was found within the Skidegate Inlet Important Bird Area which supports globally important populations of Black Oystercatcher and Pigeon Guillemot. Exact location here.

Presumed to be the "Eastern" Yellow Wagtail. Contrary opinions on ID welcome.
Apparently it was quite wary and did not allow for an approach closer than 30m.
(Photos: James Bradley)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sep 25-29--Brambling in Victoria

Around 11 a.m., a female BRAMBLING was found feeding with juncos on Mount Tolmie (Location Map) in Victoria, BC (fide Keith Taylor).  It was still present around 1:30 p.m.

 Female Brambling on Mount Tolmie on September 25 (Photo: Keith Taylor)

*SEP 29--From Ted Ardley--"It was with a group of juncos up on that top rock on the right ridge then went to a lower flat ridge and was able to look down on it was able to watch it pop in and out for a good 10-15 minutes in the pouring rain.It flew by itself way down to the bottom of the hill to the north east towards the houses that line the the trees.So wondering if it's alternating between a feeder down there and this right hand ridge."

Watch for updates here as they come in.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sep 21--WHITE WAGTAIL in Salmon Arm!

 On the morning of the 21st (Sunday), Don Cecile photographed this apparent hatch-year WHITE WAGTAIL on the mudflats of Salmon Arm Bay in the southern interior of BC. It was foraging with close to 100 American Pipits. The flock flushed several times but Don was able to re-find it 3 times. Unfortunately it disappeared along with most of the pipits by 10am and was not located later in the day.

More specifically this was in the SW corner of Salmon Arm Bay near the mouth of the Salmon River. This requires parking at Peter Jannink Park then trudging out across wet mud for several hundred meters. The bird is presumed to have continued south but if you can find some big pipit flocks you may get lucky. Morning is by far the best time for peak numbers.

There are 9 other records of White/Black-backed Wagtail for BC, but this is the first occurrence of one in the interior.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sep 20--Brown Booby + Laysan Albatross near Tofino

On September 20th, John Forde and the Tofino Whale Center took 10 birders offshore to the continental shelf and things went pretty well! Fog was an issue early on but overall it was a great trip including two gems for BC birders: Brown Booby and Laysan Albatross (pictured below). For the full list of offshore birds seen that day, check out John Reynolds' eBird checklist.