Sunday, September 8, 2019

RBA: 2 SCRIPPS'S MURRELETS off Tofino - Sept 8th

At 11:47am on Sept 8-2019, Joachim Bertrands spotted 2 Scripps's Murrelets on a pelagic with Ocean Outfitters out of Tofino.

Many but not all of the people on board were able to see the birds and photos were obtained.

Map to exact location of birds HERE

This is the 36th record for the province of BC.

Scripps's Murrelet off Tofino - Photo: Joachim Bertrands 

RBA: CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER in Kelowna - Sept 8-9th

At 10:00 am on Sept 8-2019, Kalin Ocana found an immature/female type Chestnut-sided Warbler at Maude Roxby Park. The bird was in a mixed flock of warblers that also included a Tennessee.

Map to exact location of bird HERE.

The bird continued and was viewable by multiple observers as of 1:40pm.

The bird was still present in the same location on Sept 9, 2019.

Chestnut-sided Warbler in Kelowna - Photo: Kalin Ocana

This is the 73rd record for the province of BC.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

RBA: 2 SCRIPPS'S MURRELETS off Tofino - Sept 7th

At 12:55pm on Sept 7-2019, Joachim Bertrands spotted 2 Scripps's Murrelets on a pelagic with Ocean Outfitters out of Tofino.

Many but not all of the people on board were able to see the birds and photos were obtained.

Map to exact location of birds HERE

This is the 35th record for the province of BC.

Scripps's Murrelets off Tofino - Photo: Joachim Bertrands

RBA: SCRIPPS'S MURRELET off the NW tip of Vancouver Island - Sept 4th

At 1 pm on Sept 4-2019, Michael Willison and Andrew and Eric Pratt saw a single Scripps's Murrelet from a cruise ship HERE off Cape Scott. No photo was obtained but the bird was well described.

This is the 34th record for the province of BC.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

RBA: HAWAIIAN PETREL off Haida Gwaii - August 21st

At 12:15pm on August 21-2019, Michael Turso photographed a Hawaiian Petrel off Haida Gwaii while aboard the "Ovation of the Seas" Royal Caribbean cruise ship en route to Victoria.

Location of bird HERE

This is the first photographed record for BC and the 5th record for the province.

Hawaiian Petrel off Haida Gwaii - Photos: Michael Turso

Saturday, August 17, 2019

RBA: GUADALUPE MURRELET off Tofino - August 17th

At 12:15pm on August 17-2019, Mike Toochin, Melissa Hafting and Ilya Povalyaev spotted a Guadalupe Murrelet 51 km  SW of Cox Point between Clayoquot Canyon and Loudoun Canyon. The birds were viewed from the "Miss B Haven" on a pelagic with Ocean Outfitters out of Tofino. The Guadalupe Murrelet was less than 10 feet from the boat. Multiple passengers on board were able to view and photograph the bird. At the same time a second Xantus’s Murrelet flew off the water before a clear view of its face could be had.

Exact location of bird was HERE

Guadalupe Murrelet off Tofino - Photo: Liron Gertsman
Guadalupe Murrelet off Tofino - Photo: Ilya Povalyaev

This is the 3rd record for the province of BC.

RBA: 4 SCRIPPS'S MURRELETS off Tofino - August 17th

At 3pm on August 17-2019, Mike Toochin, Melissa Hafting and Mark Wynja spotted 2 Scripps's Murrelets 38.3 km SW of Cox Point off Tofino. The birds were viewed from the "Miss B Haven" on a pelagic with Ocean Outfitters.  The birds sat on the water allowing for great views and never flew during the whole time present.

At 3:30pm on August 17-2019, Liron Gertsman spotted 2 more Scripps's Murrelets in a different location - 29.4 km SW of Cox Point. The birds sat on the water allowing for great views and never flew during the whole time present.

All 12 passengers on board were able to see and photograph all 4 Scripps's Murrelets well.

Exact location of the first pair HERE.

Exact location of the second pair HERE.

First pair of Scripps's Murrelets seen off Tofino - Photos: Melissa Hafting

2nd pair of Scripps's Murrelets seen off Tofino - Photos: Liron Gerstman

This is the 33 record for the province of BC.

RBA: MANX SHEARWATER off Tofino - August 17th

At 9am on August 17-2019, Thomas Plath spotted a Manx Shearwater in a bait ball flock off the SE tip of Cleland Island while on a pelagic trip on the Miss B Haven with Ocean Outfitters. 12 other passengers on board were able to see the bird.

This bird appears to be different than the bird first found in the same area by Artie Ahier on August 13th and 15th. The bird on August 17th has more worn primaries unlike Artie's cleaner bird. There was also a Slaty-backed Gull in the flock.

Exact location of bird HERE

This is the 62nd record for the province of BC.

Manx Shearwater off Tofino - Photos: Liron Getstman

Manx Shearwater off Tofino - Photos: Melissa Hafting

Thursday, August 15, 2019

RBA: MANX SHEARWATER off Vargas Island (near Tofino) - Aug 15th

Artie Ahier has photographed another or the same Manx Shearwater within 2 days of each other. The bird he found today (August 15, 2019) was photographed at 8:50 am off the NW corner of Vargas Island near Tree Island. This is only about 7 km from the first sighting on August 13th that you can read about HERE.

Manx Shearwater off Vargas Island - Photos: Artie Ahier

This is the 61st record for the province of BC.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

RBA: MANX SHEARWATER off Tofino - Aug 13th

At 1:35pm on August 13-2019, Artie Ahier found a Manx Shearwater 4 miles south of Cleland Island off Tofino. He was operating a boston whaler during a trip from the Whale Centre.

He was able to photograph the bird as well.

This is the 60th record for the province of BC.

Manx Shearwater off Tofino - Photo: Artie Ahier