Tuesday, June 25, 2024

RBA: BLACK PHOEBE in Vancouver - June 24th

At 1:45pm on June 24-2024, Gord Smith found and photographed a Black Phoebe at Lost Lagoon in Stanley Park.

Map to location HERE

This is the 47th record for BC

The bird was not relocated, despite multiple observers looking.

Black Phoebe in Vancouver - Photo: Gord Smith

Friday, June 21, 2024

RBA: ACORN WOODPECKER in Chilliwack - June 19-20th

On June 19-2024, Angela Moore found and photographed a female Acorn Woodpecker on her farm in the Ryder Lake area of Chilliwack. She also viewed the bird on June 20th.

This is the 16th record for BC.

The home is currently not open to the public.

Acorn Woodpecker in Chilliwack - Photos: Angela Moore

Sunday, June 16, 2024

RBA: ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER in Coquitlam - June 15-18th

At 6pm on June 15-2024, Stephan Dryagin found an Ash-throated Flycatcher west of the bridge at Colony Farm in Coquitlam. He viewed it for a minute before it flew off to the west.

Map to location HERE

On the evening of June 18-2024, Kerri Zhao relocated the bird briefly at the community gardens at Colony Farm, before it flew towards the forensic hospital. 

Map to last location HERE

Ash-throated Flycatcher in Coquitlam - Photo: Stephan Dryagin
Ash-throated Flycatcher in Coquitlam -
Photo: Kerri Zhao

Friday, June 7, 2024

RBA: NORTHERN PARULA in Surrey - June 7th

At 7 am on June 7-2024, Ilya Povalyaev found a male Northern Parula singing in bushes near the dog park at Blackie Spit Park.

Map to location HERE

The bird was last seen at 11 am in an Oak tree by Dunsmuir St and Gilley St HERE and was viewed and heard by multiple observers.

The bird has not been relocated since 11 am, despite multiple observers looking.

This is the 27th record for BC.

Northern Parula in Surrey - Photo: Ilya Povalyaev

Saturday, May 18, 2024

COSTA’S HUMMINGBIRD on Quadra Island - May 4-June 3rd

On May 4-2024, Meredith McGill found a male Costa’s Hummingbird coming to her hummingbird feeder at her private home on Quadra Island.

The homeowner is generously allowing birders to come see the bird by appt only.

Please contact the RBA at bcbirdergirl@gmail.com to arrange visitation.

The bird continues on June 3rd and has been viewed by multiple observers. 

This is the 33rd record for BC.

Costa’s Hummingbird on Quadra Island - Photo: Danielle Lacasse

Costa’s Hummingbird on Quadra Island - Photos: Tristan Chapman
Costa’s Hummingbird on Quadra Island - Photo: James MacKenzie

Thursday, May 16, 2024

RBA: INDIGO BUNTING near Bella Coola - May 12-18th

On May 12-2024, Sunder Green found a male Indigo Bunting at her private home on Hwy 20 near Snootli Creek Regional Park in Hagensborg in the Bella Coola Valley.

The bird continued on May 18th and was viewed by multiple local observers.

Indigo Bunting in Bella Coola - Photo: Harvey Thomassen

Saturday, May 11, 2024

RBA: TEMMINCK’S STINT in Victoria - May 10-13th

At 6:45 pm on May 11-2024, Joachim Bertrands and Sean McElaney found a Temminck’s Stint at the SE corner of Panama Flats in Victoria.

Map to location HERE

The bird was viewed for over 40 mins foraging with Least Sandpipers, before it flew off with them towards the Central Dyke and was not relocated as it was dark.

This is the second record for BC.

The bird was photographed on May 10-2024 by Gordon Hart who initially thought it was a Spotted Sandpiper. You can view that image HERE

The bird continued HERE at Panama Flats on the Centre Dyke and HERE in the SE corner on May 12th and 13th and has been viewed by multiple observers.

***The bird was not relocated on May 14th and 15th, despite multiple observers looking.***

Temminck’s Stint in Victoria (Photos: Joachim Bertrands)

*Parking is on Baker Street HERE off Carey Rd or on Barrington Rd off Baker St HERE Please do not block driveways or park too close to street corners.

The entrance to Panama Flats is on Carey Rd near Baker Rd - walk around the gray metal gates with the No Parking signs to access Panama Flats and the trail to the bird.*

Videos of the bird filmed by Joachim Bertrands on May 11th, can be viewed below:

Sunday, May 5, 2024

RBA: LESSER NIGHTHAWK in Tofino - May 3-4th

Kelsey Freitag photographed a Lesser Nighthawk at 8:45pm on May 4th-2024. She originally viewed the same bird the night before on May 3rd at 8pm and took video. She initially thought it was a Common Nighthawk but her photos show a bird with white wing bars extending closer to the tips of the wings and the time of year fits Lesser Nighthawk much better as well.

Map to location she viewed the bird both nights is HERE

The bird was not relocated on May 5th, despite many looking.

This is the 4th record for Vancouver Island and the 5th record for BC.

Lesser Nighthawk in Tofino - Photos: Kelsey Freitag

Saturday, May 4, 2024

RBA: FERRUGINOUS HAWK in Chilliwack - May 4th

At 9:30 am on May 4-2024, Paul Foth photographed a Ferruginous Hawk that flew east over the intersection of Sherlaw and Extrom Rds in the Ryder Lake area of Chilliwack.

Map to location HERE

Ferruginous Hawk in Chilliwack - Photos: Paul Foth

Thursday, May 2, 2024

RBA: SNOWY PLOVERS in Tofino - May 1-23rd

At 2:45 pm on May 1-2024, Daryl Henderson and Annette Bailey found a Snowy Plover at the mouth of Sandhill Creek on Comber’s Beach in Tofino.

Map to location HERE

On May 4th-2024, Ian Cruickshank found a new or relocated the same Snowy Plover HERE on Wickaninnish Beach.

On May 5th-2024, Michelle Hamilton relocated the bird HERE 500m south of Greenpoint on Comber’s Beach.

The bird continues on Comber’s Beach on May 6th and has been viewed by multiple observers.

On May 7-11th, 2024, 2 Snowy Plovers were observed side by side HERE on Wickaninnish Beach.

On May 12th, 2 were found on Wickaninnish Beach by Nygel N. but one was banded and all previous birds were not banded proving this was at least one new individual.

On May 14th, 2024 Adrian Dorst relocated one of the birds or found a new one on Long Beach in Tofino.

**On May 23rd, 2024 Ian Cruickshank found another unbanded Snowy Plover on Comber’s Beach.**

These are presumed to be the 44th, 45th, 46th, 47th, 48th and 49th record for BC

Snowy Plover in Tofino - Photo: Daryl Henderson